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Announcing Infinyon Cloud Platform

Sebastian Imlay

Sebastian Imlay

Engineer, InfinyOn

GitHub stars

Today we are pleased to announce The Infinyon Cloud Platform, the fastest and easiest way to get started with Fluvio.

Infinyon Cloud is now in alpha, and you can create a free account using the link below:

Sign Up for Infinyon Cloud

About Fluvio

Our research has shown that modern businesses require real-time collaboration, analysis, and adaptation. Yet, building real-time infrastructure is a painful, expensive, and error-prone endeavor. This is why we built Fluvio - an open-source, high-performance distributed data streaming platform for real-time apps written in Rust.

Building a streaming app or data pipeline is just half the battle; the other is getting it deployed. We created Infinyon Cloud to provision and manage the Fluvio cluster for you. Getting started is as simple as creating an account and installing the Fluvio CLI - our all-in-one tool for working with Fluvio.

Fluvio allows developers to build real-time quickly applications using native language libraries such as Node.js and Rust. Fluvio clients uses modern programming language constructs such as async streams for speed of development and ease of use.

There are many reasons why Fluvio is awesome, but this is a post about using Infinyon Cloud. πŸ˜‰

Using The Infinyon Cloud Platform

There are several [blog posts] and tutorials that show the power of Fluvio, so let’s get set up.


Setting up the Infinyon Cloud is straightforward; sign up for an account and check your email for a confirmation. Fluvio cluster will be automatically provisioned for you after confirming the email.

Then to make use of it, just run

$ fluvio cloud login

The command will prompt you for the credentials you used to sign up in the web form. Upon validation, Fluvio retrieves your cloud settings and saves them in your local profile.

Check out your available profiles at:

$ fluvio profile view

If you already have a local instance of Fluvio running, you can use the CLI to switch from one Fluvio cluster to another. The following command informs the Fluvio client to use Infinyon Cloud:

$ fluvio profile switch cloud

Produce/Consume using CLI

On a fresh Fluvio installation, you’ll need to create topics:

$ fluvio topic create hello-infinyon-cloud

Getting data in and out of the cloud is easy - open two terminals, one for the producer and the other for the consumer.

In one terminal run:

$ fluvio consume hello-infinyon-cloud

and in the another:

$ fluvio produce hello-infinyon-cloud

The produce command listens on stdin messages and sends them to Infinyon Cloud on the specified topic. In our case, the topic is hello-infinyon-cloud. Now, type Hello Infinyon Cloud! (or whatever you’d like) into the producer terminal.

Your two terminals should now look like this:

$ fluvio produce hello-infinyon-cloud
Hello Infinyon Cloud!
$ fluvio consume hello-infinyon-cloud
Hello Infinyon Cloud!

To exit, press <CTRL>-C.

Produce/Consume using Rust/Node.JS

You can also use produce and consume programmatically, using our rust client or nodejs client. The profile ensures Fluvio clients will use the appropriate cluster, in this case, Infinyon Cloud.

The following code shows a producer written in Node.js and a consumer written in Rust. (see our tutorials for a complete step-by-step):

const fluvio = await Fluvio.connect();
const producer = await fluvio.topicProducer('hello-infinyon-cloud');
await producer.sendRecord("Hello Infinyon Cloud! πŸŽ‰");


let consumer = fluvio::consumer("hello-infinyon-cloud", 0).await?;
let mut stream =;

while let Some(Ok(record)) = {
    let string = String::from_utf8_lossy(&record.as_ref());
    println!("Got record: {}", string);

Run the rust version in one terminal and the node version in another. The rust consumer will print:

Got Record: Hello Infinyon Cloud! πŸŽ‰

All it takes is a few lines of code, and traffic is flowing. All your cluster maintenance headaches are gone.

Pricing and AWS Region Availability

Infinyon Cloud is currently available in one AWS region in the U.S. (N. Virginia). We plan to add additional region options in the U.S. and Europe and expanding to other parts of the world in the near future.

Infinyon Cloud is in alpha, and it is free to use. We will update pricing information in the near future. Fluvio users that sign-up for our Beta program will receive additional discounts (connect to us in Discord for details).

Fluvio Platform Highlights

The following is a shortlist of benefits you gain by using Fluvio:

  • Declarative Management: Fluvio allows operators to declare the desired state, and the system will do the rest. No resource available, no worries, the objects are shown in progress until the resource constraints are resolved.

  • Low Latency: Fluvio takes advantage of Rust’s async runtime and all available cores. It also interacts directly with hardware I/O to achieve predictable ultra-low latency.

  • Low Memory Footprint: Fluvio is a highly optimized machine code, and it does not require an intermediary virtual machine. Fluvio can run anywhere from Raspberry Pi to multi-core systems.

  • Built-in Retention: Fluvio uses long-lived immutable storage to persist data streams. Each data stream is replicated for persistence and reliability.

  • Guaranteed Message Ordering: Fluvio guarantees partition-level message ordering. Messages are stored and forwarded to consumers in the order they are received from the producers.

  • Cloud Native by Design: Fluvio is designed to work natively with Kubernetes. It uses Helm charts for installation, CRDs for provisioning, and Operators to interact with the KV store.

  • Developer Friendly: Fluvio offers native language bindings in many modern programming languages such as Rust and Node (Python, Java, and Swift will be available in future releases).

  • Powerful CLI: Fluvio CLI can manage all your clusters whether installed locally, in your data center, or a public cloud.


Setting up a real-time data streaming app should be easy and painless. Hopefully, this post shows you just how simple yet powerful our platform is.

Don’t forget to join the conversation on Discord, follow the project on github or open an issue if you find a bug or have a feature request.