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Transform streaming data in real-time with WebAssembly

Nick Mosher

Nick Mosher

Engineer, InfinyOn

GitHub stars

Fluvio is a high-performance, distributed, programmable streaming platform for real-time data. We’ve been hard at work building new capabilities for inline data processing, a family of features that we call SmartModules, and with our latest major release we announced the arrival of our new SmartModule Map functionality. This feature allows users to write custom code to inspect and transform each record or data in a stream. Users write SmartModule modules in Rust and compile them to WebAssembly, and they are ultimately executed in the Fluvio cluster on a Streaming Processing Unit (SPU).

You can check out the full code for this blog in the SmartModule examples repo!

Thinking about Mapping capabilities and use-cases

When we’re thinking about Mapping, we’re thinking about a function that takes one record as input and gives another record as output. With SmartModule Map, we are writing functions that run inside a WebAssembly sandbox, so these functions do not have access to the outside world, and cannot do certain things such as make network requests or write data to disk. In essence, reading and manipulating the input record is the only thing that a Map function can do.

This helps to set the stage for what types of operations we can perform using SmartModule Maps. I tend to think of these operations in the following broad categories (though there are certainly more):

  • Scrubbing sensitive fields of data to hide from downstream consumers
  • Narrowing large records into a smaller subset of important fields
  • Computing rich, derived fields from simple raw data
  • Parsing unstructured (e.g. textual) data into a structured form (e.g. JSON)

Let’s narrow in and explore how we can use SmartModules to solve a “scrubbing sensitive fields” use-case.

Concrete use-case: Scrubbing Social Security Numbers from account records

Let’s imagine that we’re working with a banking account system, and we have a stream of data that represents account activity. Events in this stream might represent new accounts being created, passwords being changed, or personal info being updated. Suppose we want to write an application which sends a welcome email to new account owners after they sign up. We can structure our email application to consume from the accounts topic and send an email each time an account-created event appears.

So far so good, but let’s add a twist. Since we’re talking about bank accounts, the events contain some private information, such as the account holder’s Social Security Number. We would like to edit the records in our accounts stream and scrub out SSNs so that the email application never even has access to that data. That way, there’s no chance that a bug or a compromise in the email application could lead to disclosing this private information.

Alright, so let’s get concrete. We’ll set up our event schema so that records in our stream look something like this:

  "social_security_number": "123-45-6789",
  "event_type": "account-created",
  "account_id": "1509aaf8-5863-4b41-bfe2-b081691d7a6e",
  "first_name": "Daniel",
  "last_name": "Mahoney",
  "email": "[email protected]",
  "password_hash": "db6b535bc9909ecfb7c2ee4550ed7b350a61785e"

After we’re done scrubbing, we want our records to look more like this:

  "social_security_number": "***-**-****",
  "event_type": "account-created",
  "account_id": "1509aaf8-5863-4b41-bfe2-b081691d7a6e",
  "first_name": "Daniel",
  "last_name": "Mahoney",
  "email": "[email protected]",
  "password_hash": "db6b535bc9909ecfb7c2ee4550ed7b350a61785e"

Let’s create a new SmartModule project to follow along with the code we’re about to see. We can use a cargo-generate template to get the project set up easily. To install cargo-generate, run the following command:

$ cargo install cargo-generate

Then to create a new Map project, run the following:

$ cargo generate --git
⚠️   Unable to load config file: ~/.cargo/cargo-generate.toml
🤷   Project Name : regex-scrubbing
🔧   Generating template ...
✔ 🤷   Which type of SmartModule would you like? · map
[1/7]   Done: .cargo/config.toml
[2/7]   Done: .cargo
[3/7]   Done: .gitignore
[4/7]   Done: Cargo.toml
[5/7]   Done:
[6/7]   Done: src/
[7/7]   Done: src
🔧   Moving generated files into: `regex-scrubbing`...
✨   Done! New project created regex-scrubbing

For this example, we’ll need to add dependencies on the regex and once_cell crates Let’s navigate into our project directory and take a look at Cargo.toml:

$ cd regex-scrubbing && cat Cargo.toml

Add the following lines to the Cargo.toml file:

fluvio-smartmodule = { version = "0.1" }
serde = { version = "1", features = ["derive"] }
serde_json = "1"
regex = "1"
once_cell = "1"

Now that we have a project skeleton set up, let’s look at the code we can use to solve our use-case. Paste the following code into the src/ file.

use regex::Regex;
use once_cell::sync::Lazy;
use fluvio_smartmodule::{smartmodule, Result, Record, RecordData};

// A compiled Regex for detecting SSNs that look like XXX-XX-XXXX
static SSN_RE: Lazy<Regex> = Lazy::new(|| Regex::new(r"\d{3}-\d{2}-\d{4}").unwrap());

pub fn map(record: &Record) -> Result<(Option<RecordData>, RecordData)> {
    let key = record.key.clone();

    let string = std::str::from_utf8(record.value.as_ref())?;
    let output = SSN_RE.replace_all(string, "***-**-****").to_string();

    Ok((key, output.into()))

We are ready to build our SmartModule.

If you’ve never compiled for WASM before, you’ll need to install the proper rustup target. You should only need to do this once.

$ rustup target add wasm32-unknown-unknown

Let’s go ahead and compile using --release mode to get the smallest WASM binary possible:

$ cargo build --release

That’s it. That’s the whole SmartModule.

Of course, this is an over-simplified solution to a toy problem, but it illustrates how we can quickly manipulate the data in our stream with relatively little effort. In this SmartModule, we’re using a Regex to detect any string that has digits in the typical SSN layout, and replace them with a meaningless substitute string ***-**-****. Another potential solution to this problem would be to parse the JSON and delete the social_security_number field, but for our purposes this strategy was simpler.

For completeness on this first example, here is an example session showing some data being processed by this SmartModule:

  1. First, create a new topic for us to produce and consume our data
$ fluvio topic create accounts
topic "accounts" created
  1. Generate some sample data in a file named accounts.json:
$ echo '{"social_security_number":"123-45-6789","event_type":"account-created","account_id":"1509aaf8-5863-4b41-bfe2-b081691d7a6e","first_name":"Daniel","last_name":"Mahoney","email":"[email protected]","password_hash":"db6b535bc9909ecfb7c2ee4550ed7b350a61785e"}' > account.json
  1. Produce the sample input data to our topic
$ fluvio produce accounts < account.json
  1. Consume from our topic after applying our SmartModule Map
$ fluvio consume accounts -B --map=target/wasm32-unknown-unknown/release/regex_scrubbing.wasm
Consuming records from the beginning of topic 'accounts'
{"social_security_number":"***-**-****","event_type":"account-created","account_id":"1509aaf8-5863-4b41-bfe2-b081691d7a6e","first_name":"Daniel","last_name":"Mahoney","email":"[email protected]","password_hash":"db6b535bc9909ecfb7c2ee4550ed7b350a61785e"}

If we were trying to deploy this to production we would obviously want a much more intelligent function for detecting sensitive data in order to scrub it out, but it’s clear to see that even with this simplified example, the consumer never witnesses any of the SSN information.

That’s an important point, so I want to restate it:

The consumer never witnesses any of the SSN information

That’s because SmartModule code is executed in the Fluvio cluster, before it even touches the network on the way to the consumer. Having this ability to perform server-side data processing opens up a whole new world of interesting possible applications, and we’re excited to see what new use-cases the community discovers.


That’s it for this post, be sure to hop into our Discord server if you want to talk to us or have any questions. Until next time!

Update: SmartModules were originally called SmartStreams. The blog was updated to reflect the new naming convention

Further reading